To Celebrate our 100th episode, we’re releasing 100 T-shirts ONLY!

I can happily say…They’re beautiful, the quality is out of this world, it’s got an inside joke on it from the podcast PLUS a fantastic design!

There are only 100 T-shirts available, and once they’re gone.. they’re GONE!

This is an amazing way to show your support for over 100 episodes we’ve recorded of the podcast. You can think of it as less than $0.35/episode.

Here’s a photo of me wearing it! (and look how happy I am)

Here’s what’s on it!

It says:

Discourse in Magic – (Just Theory No Pinkies)

Here’s everything you need to know about it

  1. There are only 100 available
  2. They are each 26 USD
  3. When they’re gone they’re GONE!
  4. This is the simplest (and cheapest way) to show your support for the podcast!
  5. Upload a photo of you wearing it, and you get bragging rights for ever!

Get it below before they’re all gone!