How to Promote Your Virtual Show and Build Fans for Life!

Virtual magic shows are in... but getting people to show up is really hard.

Maybe you put on a virtual magic show and nobody came?

Or maybe you're nervous to put on a virtual show because nobody will come.

I'm going to teach you the exact tools I use to not only get people to actually show up, but to accumulate a fanbase who loves everything that you do.

Join me LIVE June 29th 4pm EST

You'll learn how to

  • Successfully promote a virtual show
  • How to build fans FAST!
  • Turn virtual show attendees into fans and paying customers!

Plus, here's a secret: The reason I know how to do this, is it's the exact same strategy to sell out in person shows, and build fans in the real world.

Sign up to join me LIVE June 29th 4pm EST

Learn how to promote your events and build real fans

Just one more step!

Bing bang boom! – Just one more step and you're all set. Pop your name and email in below to get reminded (and limited time replay links too!).

Virtual Webinar: Monday June 29th 4pm EST

    No Spam. Just Abracadabra and Alakazam