Welcome to Lesson 1 below.
Like I mentioned in the email. Today is all about explaining what the approach is to getting gigs.
We’re going to pick a very specific market so that we can: know exactly where to find customers, take over a market completely, and design our website with a specific end user in mind.
Most importantly the more specific we are about our audience, the easier it is to make promo material that impresses our potential buyer. Which in turn means the easier it is for us to get hired over and over again.
We’re going to work backwards from what our website should contain. Since our website is going to be the #1 tool we use to get booked.
After you watch the video, it would mean the world if you introduced yourself on the private Facebook group by clicking the link below the video, or from your email.
Thanks again!
PS. Some fun convo’s are going to be happening in the fb group tonight
Click here to as to join the private Facebook Group for Fantastic Gigs people only