In episode 43 we sit with Chad Juros to tell us his story of magic. I’ll save most of the details for the episode itself, but I can provide you with a short version of Chads incredible story.

Chad was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia as a child. During many of his years and months at the hospital Chads father brought magic to help take his mind off of things. That repeated itself a second round as Chad returned to the hospital a few years later.  Fast forward a few years more and Chad ended up performing magic for his father bedside in the hospital. His father was was given under a year to live after discovering brain tumors.

You can imagine the heart ache that has been brought to a family, childhood cancer, and death of a parent, but Chad responds with positivity and fulfilling his fathers dying wishes to continue to spread his magic wherever he goes.

With his fathers final wishes Chad builds a foundation called Spread the Magic. In it Chad is able to help struggling patients, and is able to perform magic and help kids get their mind off of the illnesses that are ailing them.

Chad turns quite an eye opening story, into an inspiring piece. Most importantly he shares how he took that story and used it to drive what he does today. Using your experiences, ideas and talents to help the world are some of the best tools that you can use.

In this episode we chat about the segment that he had with David Copperfield on Good Morning America. The clip is below, and I highly recommend you watch it, it compliments the episodes very well!


He’s also been on Fool Us, and yes, we attached it below 🙂


If you want to get in touch with chad feel free to contact him below on social media, from his website, or check out his new promo video!





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