If you’re reading this it means you care about modern media and social media. For that you are already a winner.

Of course it’s not as easy as signing up for social media accounts to get fans, you need to make quality content. If there’s anything to take out of the episode overall is that you need to start producing content today.

While sometimes people are smart enough to come up with a ‘formulaic’ way to make a viral video, or viral content, the way to learn how to do that is by doing it. If you want to videos? Start recording. Podcast? Do it up. Amazing Instagram photos? do your best.

You need to be a content creator.

The most important thing that we learned from Flom in this is that he came into magic with the approach of TV first. I think that’s a great approach especially in todays age. The way that you look in footage and online is almost as important as your show. More and more that’s the place where potential clients book you first. That might even be the place where the bulk of your fans live. Making sure that you content is TV ready, or more TV quality.  you can share it.

While I couldn’t do a justice to the details that we went in in the episodes here are some tips about each social media platform (and our links to go follow us)

How to Master Each Platform


As Justin explains on Facebook since they’re scrolling through the content, you need to catch their attention, and can be watched on silent. A ton of people watch videos on silent, and you need to have something that’s going to get their attention immediately!


This platform is hopeless for growth. Here’s my advice, ask good questions to semi-famous people and tag them. You’ll be blown away that they respond, and that other people like it, retweet it and follow it!


Also tough. Although we don’t give great advice in the episode here is my advice. Since it’s curated content, people care about their Instagrams. In niches specifically, there are communities that form on Instagram. Make sure to engage in others, like often follow others and comment on others. Make sure you produce regularly

Snapchat/Instagram Stories

It’s tough now, but the lesson we got from Justin in the episode was to get in early. Justin was in on snapchat very early, and with that was able to build a massive community of people who follow him. The other thing is that snapchat is good if you have an exciting life. It’s hard to provide exciting daily content if you have a desk job. Most importantly you have to upload daily


Vine is dead. (The links goes to Instagram)

There are a TON more details in the episode about how to master social media as well as some other forms of media.

If you want our social media guide head over to: discourseinmagic.com/social-media-guide-magicians 

Contact Justin





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