In this magic appetizer Jonah offers up three ways that you can grow your business to making more than 3k a month in the next six months. In the past Jonah has taught master classes and entry-level classes for magicians looking to increase their business and in this episode he’s going to share his insights on the three biggest mistakes that new magicians make when starting their business and what fixes you can do so that you can be well on your way. 

Mistake #1: Pricing

This is one of the most common mistakes that magicians are making. They’re charging something like $200 or $150 for their gigs. The problem with this is that it is very hard to reach critical mass. It’s very hard to get to $3,000 a month at $300 bookings. You need to do 10 shows a month and 10 shows a month is a lot, especially if you are getting started. The only magicians that get away with charging two, three, or even four hundred are the ones that are doing countless kids parties every single weekend, like four a weekend or more, because that’s the only way that they can actually make those numbers. 

If you are getting started, you should aim at the $500 to $1000 range. The reality is that you can now get to your 3k to 5k a month in three to six bookings a month. If people are inquiring and asking you about your rates you should start at $500 and work your way up to $1000.

You can do this by slowly increasing your rates. You can do this by having multiple different packages and multiple offerings, like a short show and a long show, or a show plus mingling magic. You can come up with some different options, but aim at the $500 to $1000 per gig range. That way you get it done in three to five gigs a month. 

The only thing that’s stopping you from charging $500 to $1000 per gig is in your head. The key to actually getting to critical mass, to getting enough gigs under your belt, is to make enough per gig so that it is worth your while and you can actually start this part-time business. 

Mistake #2: Your Leads

Leads is another word for the inquiries or people asking about you or anybody who wants to hire you for a magic show. One of the biggest challenges with magicians who are getting started is that their way of getting leads is by crossing their fingers and hoping. That is not a way to generate bookings or a way to bring people into your world. There are tons of practical, tactical ways to get people into your universe, but you have to be doing them. 

Some common, popular ways to get leads include mail outreach, cold calling, Google Ads, SEO (Search Engine optimization), generating content for your socials, signing up to gig sites, and Facebook ads. If you pick just one of them and do it every single day for 30 days you’ll have a terrific source for generating leads. 

Mistake #3: Marketing Material

Far too many magicians websites have one of these two big no-nos. First is a random headshot. Just photos of yourself with spread cards or cards in your hands does nothing for you. It won’t convince anybody that you are good at this. Second are stock photos of magicians and top hats and things that aren’t you. You probably don’t use a top hat when you do your gigs, you probably don’t dress in a tuxedo, and you probably do not have a rabbit. 

Instead, what they’re looking to see is actual photos of you doing the thing. If you’re pitching yourself to do company events, it’s photos of you working at company events. If you’re pitching yourself to do bar mitzvahs and weddings, it’s photos of you doing bar mitzvahs and weddings. If you’re pitching to do birthday parties, you get the idea. You need photos of that. How do you get those photos? A million ways. Bring a photographer, ask the people there to take photos, take some photos yourself, bring a friend with you to take some photos with you. There are unlimited ways to do it and the same thing applies to video. One short video of you actually performing for the target market is going to do so much work. It’s gonna help you so much. The clients need proof, and if you’re charging now more than you would’ve been charging before, then one of the big things you’re going to need is proof.

Do not fill your website with random headshot photos that you did with a photographer. Do not fill your website with stock photos of magicians. Fill your website with photos of you doing the thing for the people you do the thing for, and videos of you doing the thing for the people that you do the thing for.

Level Up Your Magic Business 

Those are the three biggest areas that you should be working on to get you to 3-5k a month. If you’re already at 3-5k a month and you want to get to six figures a year, you can send Jonah an email to with the word “Mastermind” and you can talk with him about working together and seeing if he can get you there faster.

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