Posts tagged “business”
Prepare to be amazed as we sit down with the extraordinary magician, Chris Michael!
Magic Appetizer: 3 Ways to Make 3k June 22nd, 2023Three ways that you can grow your business to making more than 3k a month in the next six months
Magic, Mindfulness, and Marketing with David Gerard June 8th, 2023David Gerard on how to face the harsh reality of criticism, examining what it feels like to be fooled, and how to grow your magic business
Magic Appetizer: How To Sell Out Your Show June 1st, 2023Today Jonah talks about how to sell tickets to your public magic show
Mastermind Invitation May 18th, 2023Jonah invites you to join in on his mastermind course where you can scale up your magic business
Building Magical Relationships with Jason Suran May 11th, 2023Jonah is joined by Jason Suran who shares his advice on how to build lasting relationships to support your magic business