Jonah invites you to join in on his mastermind course where you can scale up your magic business.

Join The Mastermind

Jonah is re-opening up the doors for the Mastermind this month, and he’s looking for five magicians who want to add 3k to 5k per month to their magic business in the next 90 days.

All of the tips, all of the magician appetizers that you see coming out on this podcast, with practical magic business advice, come right from the Mastermind training. If you want Jonah’s help, not only with this step-by-step information with templates and scripts that you can copy for your magic business, but also for him to hold your hand and guarantee that you’re going to scale and add 3k to 5k a month to your magic business, this might be for you.

Five Things You Need

You need five things to be a good fit for this. 

Number one, you need to already have a show or mingling magic that you are confident in. This is not a magic coaching program, this is a business coaching program for professional magicians.

Number two, you need to already be making at least 25k a year in your magic business. We help people scale from 50k to 200k but you already need to have gotten started. That means you’ve got things like a website, you’ve got a business, you’ve got a couple of the things in place that are ready to help you scale.

Number three, you need to have time for three to five more company or private events every single month. If you don’t have the time, then there’s no way that this would be a fit. So it’s important that you have the time. 

Number four, you are friendly and coachable. You will be welcomed into the Mastermind family and it’s very important that you are both of those things.

And number five, you can keep a secret. 

Here’s What To Do

If you are all of those things then send a message to with the word SCALE and Jonah will send you the deets and see if it’s a fit to work together.

Jonah will be back next week with another epic interview coming your way.

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