In this episode we sit down with Oscar Munoz to chat about IBM( International Brotherhood of Magicians) , theatre in magic, and how to accept criticism when working together. We were very moved by his involvement and excitement about theatre. It’s nice to be impressed by the effort and attention to detail that magicians give no matter which direction that detail is in.

First Oscar spoke quite a bit about his involvement with IBM. Since he’s the incoming president we thought that he would have a ton of information about the organization, but instead we got better. He told us his ideas for the future of the organization and how it needs to be more focused on the involvement of the members.

After that we dove into the topic of theatre. Since he knew from a young age that he was going to be a magician he got very involved in theatre, plays, and performing that seems to be a recurring recommendation amongst top magicians. He explains that there is a theatre of stage magic, but also a theatre of close up magic, and we should treat it that way.

Since this month is about community we asked him about some of his advice regarding working with others. Immediately he spoke about the idea of letting go of the ego, and being able to accept critique. If we are going to allow ourselves to be in magic competitions and conventions, then we should be getting feedback. And if we want criticism we should be able to take in when it comes.

At the end of the episode he snuck in a knowledge bomb about theatre makeup and how important it is, if you’re going to be on stage, since theatre lights dull out your facial expressions.

Top notch advice.






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