As Jonah mentioned in the previous episode, he’s taking a four-week break from the regular interviews. So this week, while he works away behind the scenes, Jonah wants to hear about what magic is like in your city!
Do a little research to see where magic and magicians reside in your city. For example, in Toronto:

  1. Clubs: Sid Lorraine Hat & Rabbit Club, Alakajam, Browser’s Den Monthly Club
  2. Shops: Browsers Den of Magic
  3. Conventions: Browser’s Bash
  4. Organization: Magicana, The Toronto Magic Company
  5. Shows: Newest Trick, The Art of Magic, The Wanderer Show, Magic & Martini

Maybe you’re not seeing the event or community you want. Maybe there isn’t a community at all in your city. Well, good news! You have the opportunity to build one yourself! There are a lot of people who have recently started putting on shows and creating the magic they want to see in their area:

  1. Felice Ling & Zach Evans started up the Boston Magic Lab 
  2. Brent Braun launched the J & B Magic Shop 
  3. The Magic Underground has started up in Indianapolis 

If you’re not sure where to start, please reach out through email or social media! Jonah would love to help you build up your community.

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